Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Final Writeup

The arch supporting various figures partaking in different actions while wearing white robes is located outside of the north side of the Koffler building on the University of Arizona's campus.  This arch may first appear as just a simple structure with childish figurines atop its black bar.  However, these figures help to transform this structure from a simple arch to a statement about creativity and the freedom to express oneself while also placing emphasis on the surrounding environment.  There is no violence placed within the structure, promoting a sense of unity.  The various cacti do draw attention to the surrounding environment and bring a sense of community to the structure.  The bright colors among the white clothes of the figures give an overall positive feeling to the piece.
 Old Main, on the other hand, has a different persona than liberty and creativity.  Old Main provides a strong sense of community where people can gather while remaining of great importance due to its historical nature.  The building is classic in its original structure with a wrap-around porch and white staircases placed against the brick walls.  The mere simplicity of the building is artistically admirable in comparison to today's tendencies to make all buildings appear luxurious.  The perfect lines, the symmetry of the building, and its historical place in the community makes Old Main the center of attention on campus astonishingly beautiful.
The Statues of men outside of Harvill represent the bare masculinity and power of humanity. The statues are extremely exaggerated and stand nearly 20 feet tall. The artist chose to portray each sculpture without skin, but with the muscle groupings that define the body. The use of steel represents strength and the American drive and perseverance. The figures appear to be battling each other as they push against the wall that separates them. None of the figures hold the same position but they appear to be exerting the same amount of effort. This piece is an excellent example of representative art and the determination of man.
The last entry is a picture of the Henry Koffler building as a whole. The building is made in the customary design of the University of Arizona with a majority of the outside being red brick. The design of the building has perpendicular lines and basic shapes. At first glance the building is intimidating and dominates the skyline. But upon further examination the building resembles a wildcat and the excitement for how the community views the school. Koffler represents the chemistry department and the tough aspects of the science courses that reside inside. It is an excellent representation for the adversity that resides inside of it.

University Of Arizona Koffler Chemistry Building

Henry Koffler Building
Anybody who has been seriously engaged in scientific work of any kind realizes that over the entrance to the gates of the temple of science are written the words: 'Ye must have faith.' -Max Planck 
Photo Credit: Travis Bonar

University Of Arizona Display of Strength

University Of Arizona Display of Human Strength
"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."
-Mahatma Gandhi

Photo Credit: Travis Bonar

University Of Arizona Old Main

Title: Historic Old Main
It's not about doing over the living room of someone who has bad taste in color.  This is about restoring historic buildings and instilling pride in a community, which can be done through designing new public spaces and social gathering spots.
-Genevieve Gorder

Photo Credit: Amanda Bierce

University Of Arizona Arch of Peace

Title: Arch of Peace

Creativity is the greatest expression of liberty. 

-Bryant H McGill

Photo Credit: Amanda Bierce